After several months of anticipation, Google finally announced Google+ Pages
for local businesses,
groups, sports, brands, organizations and more.
Just a few weeks ago Google granted its Apps customers access to the
social network, slowly growing its user base.After yesterday's
announcement, users flocked to create a Google+ Page for their
business, but many were disappointed with what they saw. Google+ Pages
bear a significant resemblance to personal Google+ pages--in fact,
there are very few differences and few features that users expected to
see.Here's a rundown of what you and your business should know about
Google+ Pages, and how to remedy problems you may have already
1. Claim your organization's Google+ Page ASAP
When Google opened the flood gates to businesses and organizations
yesterday, there was a rush to lay claim to brand names. One flaw in
the sign-up page for Google+ Pages was the lack of verification
to set up an account.
When you start the process of creating a page for a product or
brand, for example, you only need to enter what you want the page to be
called, the website you want to associate with the page, the category
and who will be able to see your page.
If your business is actively involved in social media or you think
it may want a Google+ Page in the future, it's a good idea to claim
your business's name to prevent squatters from holding on to it.
2. Log out of your personal Gmail account before creating a Google+ Page.
One mistake Google+ users made yesterday was following the link to
create a Google+ Page for their business while still logged into a
personal Google account. As a result, the brand pages were automatically
linked to their personal Google+ account, which means they have to
toggle between their own and the company's, depending on what they want
to post.
For some people--like those who don't want the company account
linked to their own--this is problematic. It appears the only way to
fix it is to delete the account, then reregister it under a new Google
account that you create specifically for the brand.
For others, though, this could be useful, especially if the person
registering the company account is the one who will be posting to it.
3. Be careful when switching between linked accounts.
If you were someone who, either accidentally or purposely, linked a
Google+ Page to your own personal account, always be aware of which
account you're posting to.
Several weeks ago, a Google employee made headlines when he
accidentally posted a rant about Google+ publicly, instead of to his
Circles It is always important to be aware of what you're posting and to
whom; this latest example is an especially timely reminder now that
Google+ Pages have launched.
When you switch between accounts, Google+ does show you a banner
notification at the top that reads, You are now using Google+ as this
page. Your posts, comments, and notifications will be from this page.
And while you do need to click "Ok" to make it disappear, it can be
easy to miss.
4. You can't add additional administrators...yet.
One feature that's clearly missing in the launch of Google+ Pages is
the ability to add multiple administrators to a company's account. As
it stands, only one person can access and post to the Google+ Page
through the Google account that created it.
While this certainly isn't ideal, there is an easy workaround. For
example, businesses can disseminate the account's username and password
to those who require access to it, such as the marketing department or
customer service representatives. Clunky, but it works for now.
Allowing multiple administrators access to a Google+ Page seems like
it should have been a feature rolled out in its first iteration of
Pages. Hopefully, though, Google will include this feature in its next
5. Google+ Pages do not allow contests or promotions.
Google's "Terms and Conditions" page says that Google+ Pages are not
allowed to run contests, sweepstakes, offers, coupons or other
promotions directly on the Google+ Page. Instead, Pages can display a
link to a separate site where the promotion is hosted, as long as you
are in compliance with a number of terms.
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