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Do you know that? Biological sciences

* For growth,viruses requires "Living Host".
* The deficiency of "Boron" micronutrients causes the death of the stem and root apices.
* Plant development is influenced by Quality,Quantity and Duration of light.
* Lettuce,wheat and spinach are the long day plants and Sugarcane, Soyabean and tobacco are short day plants.
* ATP is a molecule containing high energy bonds.
* Edible part of tomato is whole fruit.
* The primary producers of organic matter in nature are Green plants.
* The total weight of a cell in a leaf or a petal,water constitutes about 90%.
* The primary plant body consist of 3 tissue systems.
* A tissue is a group of cells having similar structure and function.
* The edible portion of mango is Mesocarp.

* The rice grain is a seed.

* Ethylene is a hormone concerned with Ripening of fruits.

* Bamboo is Grass.

* Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of Suberin.

* The biotic relationship between insects and plants with reference to pollination is called Mutualism.

* Historically, Joseph Priertley , recognized in 1727 A.D. that sunlight and air are important for the growth of plants.

* Opium is obtained from seed capsule of opium poppy.

* Carbon dioxide is required during photosynthesis process in addition to sunlight and water.

* The cavity of Ascaris is known as Coelom.

* The membranous labyrinth of the ear is filled with Endolymph.

* Crura-cerebri is found in Mid-brain.

* Man is Homoiothermic.

* The compound eye of insect produces Mosaic vision.

* The post embryoniv stages in the life history of cockroach is known as Nymphs.

* Ptyalin is present in the saliva.

* Central nervous system control the reflex action in the body.

* The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called Coceyx.

* Beingn tertain malaria is caused by plasmodium vivax.

* The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by Sir Ronald Ross.

* The mouth parts of anopheles are adapted to piercing and sucking type feeding.

* The "Urinary system" of the body consists of 3 organs.

* Haryersion canals are present in Bone.

* The heart bear is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialized cardiac muscles called Purkinje tusse.

* The gestation period of human being is Nine months.

* Amoebic dysentery in man is caused by Entamoeba histolytica.

* The first heart sound is produced when Diastole begins.

* Kari Landsteiner discovered the blood groups of man.

* Prothrombin which helps in clotting of blood is released by Blood platelets.

* Glycogen is mainly stored in Liver and muscles.

* Pepsin converts protein into peptides in acid media.

* The most important function of perspiration is to regulate the body temperature.

* The main function of white blood cells in the body is to protect the body against diseases.

* The number of chromosomes in the human body is 46.

* One micron is equal to One-thousandth of a millimeter.


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