Ex-lovers Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra will be seen together in Kunal Kohli’s upcoming film. Despite their current off-screen relationship status, the director says that the duo shares tremendous chemistry on-screen. Kohli said that he had not worked with either of them, so this pairing was interesting for him and he hoped that they would do justice to these two characters.
Toshiba of Canada has thrown its hat into the all-in-one personal computer (PC) ring with the launch this week of the Toshiba DX730, a 23” all-in-one machine designed for users who want a large display and multimedia features in an environment where space is at a premium. It's Toshiba's first foray into this form factor, said Mini Saluja, national training manager with Toshiba of Canada, building on its experience in the laptop market. The DX730 has a 23” full HD multitouch display with a glossy black finish on an aluminum stand. It comes with a matching Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and boasts Onkyo stereo speakers with Waves MaxxAudio sound processing. Two models of the DX730 will initially be available. The $899 model features a second-generation Intel Core i3 processor with 4GB of DDR3 memory, a 1TB 7200 RPM hard drive, a DVD SuperMulti Drive and HDMI in. For $1,049, you can move up to a model with an NVIDIA Geforce GT 540M processor and Intel Core i5, as we...
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