Ram Gopal Varma will be at Rs 90 crore, making his most expensive gangster film.According to sources, Ram Gopal Varma who made a name for himself with films on Mumbai s underbelly (Satya and Company) is going to make what will be his biggest gangster flick till date. An estimated Rs 90 crore will be put into the project and work will begin in early 2012, after his current film, Department is ready.The film will star three heroes, and Varma reportedly wants to bring together Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor. Some sources said that Hrithik Roshan was going to be approached, but upon learning that he will be acting in Johar s
Agneepath, he plans toapproach Kapoor instead. A source disclosed, "Ramu wants to make his ultimate underworld film next year and then retire from this genre." The source also added that Varma planned to shoot the film so as to outdo both, Johar and Ekta Kapoor.
Kapoor is collaborating with Sanjay Gupta to produce the Rs 40 crore Shootout At Wadala and plans to also start work on Once Upon A Time In Mumbai 2. He said, "Ramu will show Mumbai like never before. He is keeping the locations close to his chest so that Johar and Kapoor don t beat him to it."
The film will reportedly be shot in four languages -- English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu and will be produced by Sunil Bohra, who also produced Not A Love Story. When contacted Bohra said, "The gangster film that we are now planning will be bigger than any seen in this genre."
Reluctant to talk about the project, all Varma was willing to admit was, "The film will be unlike anything I ve attempted so fat. In fact, it will be my most expensive film."
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