Kareena Kapoor is very impressed with her ‘Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu’ co-star, actor Imran Khan. Not just have the two become super friendly on the sets of Karan Johar’s film, but sources state that Kareena is also recommending Imran for other films.According to grapevine, Bebo has recommended Imran’s name to director Milan Luthria for the sequel of ‘Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai’. The role was initially offered to Kareena’s ex- Shahid Kapoor. While Shahid is yet to say yes to the role, producer Ekta Kapoor is seriously considering Kareena’s suggestion.The film is based on Mumbai’s underworld, and Imran is being considered for Chhota Rajan’s role. The film already has
Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor as part of the star cast. Hunt for the second lead is on. Interestingly, Akshay Kumar, plays the role of a don, inspired by Dawood Ibrahim.Speaking to a daily, a source revealed, “Kareena feels that Imran would bring novelty to the character inspired by Rajan. More so because he has played strong romantic roles in most of his films.”
Besides Kareena shares a great rapport with Imran whom she first met on the sets of ‘Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu’.
“That’s also one reason why she`s so strongly recommending Imran`s for this movie,” added the source.
Apparently producer Ekta Kapoor is also backing Kareena`s suggestion to director Milan Luthria.
“But it`s still some time before they connect with Imran, as currently Milan is focused on finishing the last schedule for ‘The Dirty Picture,’ for Ekta’s company. In another week or two, talks should be initiated,” added the source.
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