Kareena Kapoor, who was recently in Ahmedabad to promote her upcoming flick `Bodyguard`, interacted with fans, traveled the city and shared her experience of the film with the media.Her previous two films with Sallu, ‘Main Aur Mrs. Khanna’ and ‘Kyun ki’ failed to create a buzz at the Box Office but she is confident that this time the tables will turn.“In the past, our scripts let us down. While for my current film, our chemistry comes alive as it is based on romance. Audience have also not seen Salman in this avatar since long romantic hero. This film is a package of action, comedy and romance. I feel a script and character are important to make a films successful,” she said to a daily
. Bebo has no starry airs about herself and she does not like to be surrounded by bodyguards in real life. But she said, “I don`t mind having one, only if Salman agrees to be my bodyguard. Which girl would say no to him?”Kareena has always been known for her immaculate dress sense and fashion quotient. On quizzed by a daily about her look in the film, she said, “In the film, I had to maintain the Indian look and yet look fun and vivacious at the same time. Personally, I love to wear casual clothes as I am more comfortable in them.”
Bebo we wish you a great success for ‘Bodyguard’ which releases on the 2nd September 2011.
Bebo we wish you a great success for ‘Bodyguard’ which releases on the 2nd September 2011.
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